This header lets the backend know which allocations process is making the request.
Example names might be XSEDE or NCAR.
XA-API-KEY: api-key
The API key is used to authenticate the allocations process.
XA-CONTEXT: context
This specifies the context for the request.
The recognized contexts are submit, report, review, and admin.
XA-USER: username
This is the user running the GUI. This user must exist and have a username
at the allocations process.
This header is only used when creating the XA-USER in XRAS. If the user already exists, the header is ignored.
If this header is present and set to false, the XA-USER will be marked as unreconciled.
Otherwise the XA-USER is marked as reconciled.
XA-PERMISSIONS: permission-list
A comma-separated list of permissions that should be used when processing the HTTP request.
This header is optional.