HTTP Request Headers

Each HTTP request must specify the following HTTP headers

This header lets the backend know which allocations process is making the request. Example names might be XSEDE or NCAR.

XA-API-KEY: api-key
The API key is used to authenticate the allocations process.

XA-CONTEXT: context
This specifies the context for the request. The recognized contexts are submit, report, review, and admin.

XA-USER: username
This is the user running the GUI. This user must exist and have a username at the allocations process.

This header is only used when creating the XA-USER in XRAS. If the user already exists, the header is ignored.
If this header is present and set to false, the XA-USER will be marked as unreconciled. Otherwise the XA-USER is marked as reconciled.

XA-PERMISSIONS: permission-list
A comma-separated list of permissions that should be used when processing the HTTP request. This header is optional.